Introducing SIE.Blog
We are excited to announce the launch of a new destination for news from Sony Interactive Entertainment. We designed SIE.Blog to give you a view into the company behind PlayStation®. We’ll share the latest company news, stories about the people behind the products and experiences you love, offer insights into the company culture, and more.
Here are some examples of what you’ll find on SIE.Blog:
- Interviews with the teams behind some of our most popular games and products that make working at SIE special
- How industry partners see SIE
- A look at what it’s like to work at a highly diverse office like SIE
- How executives, studio heads, and creative directors see SIE
- Hot jobs (so you can learn how to be part of our team)
- What SIE provides to society
- And much more
You can always find the latest product updates on the official PlayStation.Blog.
Check back often and never miss a thing.